Search Results for: developing themes in your stories

The Messy Middle: Iowa Book Bans

…uncomfortable about the marginalized communities and experiences on which they were centered. Some of the common themes were related to: Substance use and abuse Depression and anxiety LGBTQIA+ Race and…

#5onFri: Five Tips for Writing a Successful Series

…the common structure of a series in your chosen genre: are dynamic or static series more common? Pulling out popular tropes and themes to apply to your own work Understanding…

Overcoming the Book Promotion Scaries

…if you reflect on it. Odds are there are some common threads between your story’s themes and what you’re wrestling with in the world around you, or personal questions you’re…

Deep Dive into Short Forms: Historical Poetry

My next few articles will act as a deep dive into specific short form works. We’ll examine a piece from each short form and dive deep into its inner workings…