So you are interested in fiction writing, but you are unsure of how to get started.
I completely understand!
There’s more to fiction writing than just taking up a pen and paper, or climbing into your computer chair and firing up your laptop. One of the hardest things about fiction writing can be coming up with an idea for a story.
But don’t worry. My #5onFri post is all about five tips to effectively write a fiction without any troubles.
Set Fiction Writing Goals
First and foremost, you can’t start writing without establishing a set of goals. Often with fiction writing there’s no deadline or goal to finish, so it can still be hard to complete a project without that pressure.
So, when setting your goals, make sure that they’re doable, and that the deadlines you set for yourself are measurable. For example, when it comes to word count, make it your goal to not worry about word count until you get to the revision process (I’ll talk about editing later on in this article).
Normally, most fiction novels run a minimum of 50,000 words, or a maximum of 100,000 words. But again – don’t worry about word count in your first draft (You’ll be able to add and cut out words when editing later).
Sensibly, if you want to put in enough words into your writing per day, then feel free to set a goal of a suitable number of words to write daily. Ideally, if you set a goal to write, say, between 2,500 and words a day, then your rough draft will most likely accumulate around 75,000 words by the time you finish.
Regardless of what your goals and deadlines are, they have to push you to write.
Prep Beforehand
So, now that you have your goals in mind, now you need a plan. Instead of sitting at your computer and getting writer’s block (a blank mind, essentially), you need to have a plan in place prior to writing. Your plan can take the form of one of the following:
A mind map
An outline (for your ideas)
A simple synopsis (1-2 pages of what your story is about)
While your plan might change due to where your writing may take you, use the current plan to help you move forward with your project. That way you’re less likely to hit a roadblock. While a little prep work can help you stay focused while writing, remember to not over-plan your endeavors.
Come With The Right Tools
While word-processing programs like Microsoft Office or Open Office are great for some writing projects, most professional writers prefer using different software such as Scrivener and others specifically made for writers. However, choosing the right tools can be a chore, and it can be frustrating to adapt to a software that you’re not familiar with.
Luckily, there are many programs and tools to choose from. If you find yourself familiar with a software and or tool, then stick with it – Don’t try to learn a new software, if you’re not comfortable with it. Remember: You need a software and tool that’s productive, reliable, and efficient.
And don’t forget: Your computer chair! You’ve got to have a comfortable chair to sit in while writing.
First Write, Then Edit
This is, by far, one of the biggest mistakes that new writers will make: Editing while writing. As mentioned before, your first draft should be where you focus on the writing – Don’t worry about editing. Free-write in your rough draft. Once you have your rough draft written, THEN you can move on to the revision process.
Plus, don’t try to read what you just wrote in the rough draft; just keep moving forward. In the revision process, you can go back and read your work to see what needs to be added, and what needs to be scrapped.
Take Creative Breaks
Creative breaks are essential. Believe it or not, writers need a break from writing every once in a while. Since you’ll be using your brain a lot, and probably sitting in one spot all day staring at a screen or piece of paper. So, why not take a break? A creative break, that is!
Let’s soothe those creative muscles with some drawing, painting, sketching, or walking to help take your mind off of your writing. You’ll see that such breaks will allow you to rejuvenate and get back to writing.
(Bonus tip: Never Give Up!)
Finally, it’s important to keep going. Remember that it’s possible to write and finish your story, even when it seems hard to do so. But don’t quit! Have a plan. Be persistent, and stick to your goals and deadlines. YOU GOT THIS!
Yes, great fiction writing takes hard work and dedication, in order to pull it off. Although these tips are only a handful of things to remember, there are really no set rules on writing a fictional story. We hope that you are able to write easier with these effective tips, after reading this article.
Happy writing!
Kendra Beckley is a writer and editor at Academic brits and Cheap coursework. She is also a contributing writer for Thesis writing service. As a business development manager, she helps companies enter a new market and build long-term relationships with partners.