Writer Fuel: What Character Archetype Are You Writing?

Writer Fuel: What Character Archetype Are You Writing?

Some years ago, I developed a framework that I dubbed the “Storytelling Superpower.” This framework is designed to help you figure out what character archetype you are writing, so you can create a story that is most likely to resonate and be compatible with that character. To figure out your character’s archetype, you must take… Read more »

Writer Fuel: Why Dialogue Is Important in Writing

Writer Fuel: Why Dialogue Is Important in Writing

Writing—and reading—dialogue is one of my favorite things. I love how it allows the story to zip along, plus it makes me feel extra-smart because I read it so much faster than regular prose. I love how I can hear the characters’ voices in my head as though they are real people. I love how… Read more »

Writer Fuel: Living the Author Life

Writer Fuel: Living the Author Life

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about writing-life balance, and what it looks like to live an author life. This topic has been on my mind because I’ve been secretly working on a new project for DIY MFA. This project is a free event that we’re planning for this Fall where I’m interviewing a bunch… Read more »

Writer Fuel: How Publishing Works - A Primer

Writer Fuel: How Publishing Works – A Primer

Before we dive in, I have a short warning. What I’m about to share here is not a glowing, rose-colored-glasses view of being an author, but the sometimes-tough realities of the publishing business. If you’re living blissfully in denial—and that denial helps keep you motivated—keep doing that! Seriously, if not knowing the cold, hard numbers… Read more »

Writer Fuel: The Importance of the Denouement

Writer Fuel: The Importance of the Denouement

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about endings, in particular the denouement. The denouement is that “sigh of relief” that happens after the climax, that extra scene or two (or many) that allows the story to wrap up and come to a satisfying conclusion. It got me wondering why we even need a denouement. After… Read more »

Writer Fuel: How to Get in the Writing Mood

Writer Fuel: How to Get in the Writing Mood

Sometimes we lose our writing mojo and, try as we might, we struggle with building momentum around our writing. No matter what we do, we can’t seem to get in a writing mood. This state of creative paralysis can happen for any number of reasons, including: In the last Writer Fuel, I talked about creative… Read more »

Writer Fuel: Navigating Through Creative Burnout

Writer Fuel: Navigating Through Creative Burnout

For the past several months, I have been going through a period of creative burnout. Maybe it’s the aftermath of COVID and how it has changed the way we learn and interact online. Or maybe it’s because some things in my non-writing life have just been really hard lately. Or maybe it’s the result of… Read more »