What Makes an Essay an Essay?

What Makes an Essay an Essay?

An important question, for a column devoted to the essay.  Also, it seems, a rhetorical question, as easily answered as what makes tea, tea. I love both tea and essays. One nourishes my body, the other my soul. I consume both, savoring flavors and words without much thought. Tea was the robust, brown liquid I… Read more »

Take Me Away: 3 Killer Tips for Creating a Spine-Tingling Setting

Take Me Away: 3 Killer Tips for Creating a Spine-Tingling Setting

Location, location, location. Choosing the right setting is one of the most important decisions we storytellers are faced with. Make the wrong selection and no matter how strong your plot and characters, your story will fall flat without a credible, engaging world underpinning them. This is especially true when it comes to horror where a good… Read more »

Do’s and Don’ts of Using Brand Names in Fiction

Do’s and Don’ts of Using Brand Names in Fiction

Disclaimer: DIY MFA does not provide legal, tax accounting, or financial advice. In making decisions regarding whether and when to use brand names in fiction or other decisions that may have legal and/or financial ramifications, we strongly urge you to speak to a licensed IP attorney for the most accurate information. As an author, it… Read more »

Look to the Stars for Celestial-Inspired Characterization

Look to the Stars for Celestial-Inspired Characterization

I wish I may; I wish I might.  Stargaze to find your hero and heroine’s true romantic delight! I hope by the time you finish reading this article; you are excited to use celestial-inspired characterization with the help of the astrological sun signs, the wisdom of the universe, and a barrel full of doggone, genuine… Read more »

How Much Will My Manuscript Change During Copyediting?

How Much Will My Manuscript Change During Copyediting?

I am a copyeditor through and through. I live, eat, and breathe punctuation and grammar. As such, I love the feeling of finding a moment in the manuscript where it can be strengthened. Depending on the writing, these changes and suggestions can reach the thousands. But what’s average? And what are all the changes this… Read more »

Take the Sting Out of Writing Errors | DIY MFA Blog | AK Nevermore

Take the Sting Out of Writing Errors

You’ve pulled your hair out. Bled on the page. Gone over your WIP six ways til Sunday. Maybe you’ve even put it through one of those AI editing programs or had someone read it. One last comb through for typos or other writing errors. Yeah. That’s it. Time to submit. You hit send, and then… Read more »

A Down and Dirty Guide to Short Form Fiction

A Down and Dirty Guide to Short Form Fiction

Writing an entire novel is a lot of work, but it can be a truly satisfying accomplishment. Seeing your characters come to life, pursuing their primary motivations while overcoming (or not) their greatest obstacles, makes for some amazing storytelling when sustained for at least 50,000 words.  But novels aren’t for everyone, so enter short form… Read more »

Crafting the Parents in Your YA Novel | DIY MFA Blog | Dominique Richardson

Crafting the Parents in Your YA Novel

Who doesn’t love the daring feats of Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley? And most of the time they’re acting independently, without a parent in sight. That being said, this independent action gets them in all sorts of trouble with not only parents, but their teachers and school headmaster, Dumbledore. That’s the thing with… Read more »

#5onFri: Five Reasons to Hire a Book Coach

#5onFri: Five Reasons to Hire a Book Coach

Writing a captivating novel (one that grabs readers like a new episode of Stranger Things) is perhaps the most challenging personal project you’ll willingly embark on. Why? Because it demands a unique blend of creativity, craftsmanship, storytelling finesse, resilience, and the unwavering belief that you’re a literary genius, even when your words feel as lackluster… Read more »