Hey there Word Nerds! Welcome back to DIY MFA Radio.
Today I’m talking to blogger and writer, Kirsten Oliphant, and we’ll be discussing one of my absolute favorite writing topics: email list-building for writers!
But first, a little bit about Kirsten. She earned MFA in fiction from University of North Carolina at Greensboro and has been blogging for eight years about food and parenting. This year she launched a new venture: the Create If Writing blog and podcast, which provide inspiration and authentic platform building tools for writers and bloggers. On this website also shares interviews with bloggers, writers, social media experts, and publishing insiders.
Kirsten is the mastermind behind the Free Email Course, where she helps demystify email lists for writers and bloggers, along with her signature course (Own Your List) that helps people grow, monetize, and manage their lists. When she’s not busy taking the email list world by story, Kirsten lives in Houston, Texas with her husband and four kids.
In this episode Kirsten and I discuss:
- Why an email list is your most important communication option in a world full of options.
- The personal touch of email versus other social media.
- 15 Step Intensive List Growth Checklist
- Finding the email tech that’s right for you.
- Do’s and Don’ts to help keep your subscribers happy and engaged once you have an email list.
Plus, Kirsten’s #1 tip for writers.
If you want to know more about Kirsten, you can follow her on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter or visit her website and join her email list!
Email client options for you to consider when building your list (in alphabetical order):
Other awesome resources include The Persistence of Email Marketing for Book Publishers and the Creative Profitability Course* which is currently part of an awesome discount bundle!
*Note that this is an affiliate link, which means if you decide to purchase the course through this link, DIY MFA will get a commission at no cost to you. Thanks for supporting DIY MFA!
Link to Episode 78
(Right-click to download.)
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Until next week, keep writing and keep being awesome.