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Anatomy of a Kick A$$ Query Letter

…part is over. By connecting to the fire, what you love about your story, and using the algebra of a query letter, the form, you can craft a compelling and…

Announcing the DIY MFA Team

…of awesome things cooking. One of those things is that I’ve assembled the DIY MFA Team! In the coming weeks, I’ll be talking more about teamwork and the value for…

Writer Fuel: Lesson #6 – Honor Your Reality

…we each have full, complex lives, and that to dismiss our non-writing commitments would be just as disingenuous as if we turned our backs on our creative work. What Honoring…

Take a Staff Meeting . . . With Yourself

…set aside time in your schedule for community-building activities: a new writer’s group, attending a conference, or connecting on social media. Writer’s Annual Performance Review Let’s start by going over…