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How to Build an Alien: Extremophiles

…at the tops of mountains, in mud volcanoes, and at the bottom of the ocean. They’re hardy little things, able to withstand exposure to extreme temperatures, pressures, air deprivation, radiation,…

Create a Call to Action that Gets Results

…You want them to read, comment, share, buy, subscribe—something. But are you actually asking readers do it? This request statement is called a call to action. And it can make…

Five Nursery Rhyme Origins to Spark Your Next Story

…Magazine, and Sudbury Ink. She lives and writes in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, where she spends her days working as a corporate trainer. She blogs at and you can find…

Seven Cozy Poems of Winter

…physical community. She lives with her husband, two lovely human children, and two cranky fur babies. You can check her out on Insta – @thatpluckygirl or at her website,

Episode 25: Get Motivated and Get Writing

…sessions, I feel like a fraud, which gets me more and more discouraged.” Thanks for sharing your struggle, Tobias. You should know that these challenges are actually super-common and most…

Ask Becca: The Seven Deadly Sins of Writing

…bits like, “And then they fell in love with each other, and it was great, and everyone was happy about it.” I’m looking at you, fairytales. “Happily ever after” just…

Goal-Keeping from the Greats

…little nets, alone, unnoticed, until stuff gets thrown at us. All we want is uninterrupted writing time, but we have multiple responsibilities – juggling our jobs, our families, our friends…