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The Importance of Authenticity

…have been deadly in bygone days, so has human understanding evolved in areas as diverse as criminal justice, societal responsibility, governance, human rights and self-determination, cultural awareness, commerce, education, conflict…

Epic Book Club Round-Up β€” Part 3

…zero moment happened at a fairly young age, almost as though their “origin story” as a writer was also that zero moment that spurred them to the craft. It warmed…

Flash Fiction: No Flash in the Pan

…right? Fun, even. And a great place to start if you’re just starting out as a writer. Flash fiction must have a complete plot, beginning, middle, and end. Great examples…

How and Why to Clean Your Email Subscriber List

…way, you’ll also improve your outreach and control your budget. And when that agent or editor finally asks about your reach and engagement, you’ll have stats to impress. By day,…

Getting Good at Taking Feedback

…sense of community. It’s also terrific to have other writers to cheer for as their works progress, as they land an agent, as they launch, and so on. 3.  Review…

Noir and Its Cousins at Bouchercon 2023

…Monk, Sara Paretsky’s V. I. Warshawski, and S. J. Rozan’s Lydia Chin, as well as broader, more diverse crimes and locations. After all, Assassin’s Orbit by John Appel involves Noo…

Decluttering Your Author Social Media Accounts

…of carefully selected friends, acquaintances and leaders in your field? Social media is a cocktail party. And if your account has become as unruly as mine has, a digital declutter…

3 Ideas to Inspire Instagram-worthy Book Posts

…veterans and have won 30+ literary and design awards, including the American Fiction Award, IAN Outstanding Fiction First Novel Award, and Royal Dragonfly Awards for Cultural Diversity and Disability Awareness. …