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Re-Write Your Life: Tips for Keeping a Journal

…new file on my computer simply named, “Journal.” Looking back six years later, I can honestly say that one tiny action changed the course of my life. Before then, I…

An Inside Look at Three Writers Conferences

Writers choose to spend a considerable amount of time sitting alone at home staring at a computer screen. Whether we write at home or at our favorite coffee shop, the…

Not Just Dudes in Tights: Shutter

…and uber-violent bounty hunting wolves. This comic starts with the pedal on the floor and doesn’t let up through its entire run.  The comic spans five trade volumes (each trade…

How to Build a Marketing List

…grandma, don’t tweet it to an editor. Use common courtesy and don’t be a troll. Also, don’t just limit your list to people. Consider adding events, conferences, classes, seminars and…

Don’t Do What I Did: Mistakes in Indie Publishing

Indie publishing offers a lifetime of lessons to learn, and fortunately, the self-publishing community also offers myriad colleagues and gurus willing to share their knowledge with you. But working in…

The Negative Balance of Writing

When I taught Comp I, I was always surprised by how many students deemed my class unnecessary. They would scoff and say, “I never write except when I have a…

What Does an Editor Actually Do?

…editing, or proofreading.) But rest assured, your high-charging editor is doing much more than just adding a few commas or making a few comments.  Jeanette the Writer is a freelance…