Revitalize Your Writing Resolve

by Olivia Fisher
published in Writing

Well, it’s August, and that means we’ve passed the halfway mark for the year of 2021, and boy, am I looking for ways to revitalize my practice after losing writing steam. Those new year’s goals are far behind me, plenty laying littered and broken along my yearly writing journey. I’d love to say my passion and determination to finish my current novel manuscript is still burning strong, but truthfully, I am struggling to find the motivation to sit my butt in a chair and even type a few sentences. After talking with some of my beloved writer friends, I realized I’m not the only one. Many of us are experiencing writing burn out or looking for a boost during this time of year. I’m a firm believer that it’s never too late to rededicate yourself and revitalize your resolve to write. 

What’s holding you back? Are you struggling to find motivation to continue your story, or maybe you feel like the well of inspiration is running a little dry? Whether you are trying to start that draft or finish it, all of us could use a middle of the year boost as we try to rededicate ourselves to our projects and find something to revitalize us and give us a little pick-me-up.

So, I’ve put together a roundup of some of our DIY MFA articles to help inspire and fuel your writing juice.

What Happens When You Decide the Answer is “Yes”?

Is that middle of the year discouragement getting you down? Or maybe you’re struggling to quiet your inner editor so you can push forward on your draft. Whatever the case, our Curriculum Unicorn Jeanette has you covered. In her article, Jeanette talks about how embracing the “yes” in our writing journey can help us break past writing barriers. 

Episode 69: Motivation for Writers – Interview with Mark McGuinness

If you, like me, are struggling to find your motivation to write in this season of the year, I have just the podcast for you. In this episode of DIY MFA Radio, Mark McGuinness and Gabriela discuss the myths and misconceptions that creative people have about motivation and how we can capture inspiration when it hits.

Boost Your Creativity

Need some quick tips on how you can boost your creativity? Jenn Walton’s article has you covered. She gives three simple ways you can shake up your creative process and solidify your writing routine.

Get Creative on Demand

Learning to be creative on demand is a skill every writer needs, especially when they are facing blocks in your writing. In this throwback article, Gabriela shares Lisa Gardner’s three important steps for getting creative on demand.

#5onFri: Five Ways to Find Inspiration for Writing Your Book

Maybe you’ve reached this halfway mark in the year and you’re struggling to find inspiration to continue writing your book. You’re missing that oh so important muse for your story. Maybe you had it and lost it, or perhaps you haven’t yet found it but are itching to write something. Jessica Fender offers five ways to find inspiration for writing your book, so go check them out and see what sparks you!

Tips and Techniques for Training Your Writing Brain

As poet Brenda Joyce Patterson so eloquently put it in her article, “Writing is fraught.” There is a lot for us to fear and worry about as we struggle to put words in a draft. How do we shut these fears down so we can keep writing? We train our brains. Check out Brenda’s tips for how to get yourself writing again.

Why Writers Should Be On Pinterest

How can social media sites like Pinterest help you rededicate yourself to your writing projects? Sites like Pinterest offer a visual element for boosting your creative self that writing alone sometimes can’t, so check out these fun ideas on why Pinterest can help revitalize your writing and try a few out!

#5OnFri: Five Tips for Creating a Writing Office in Any Room

Maybe you’re struggling to feel inspired to write in your home. With the pandemic and a growing trend of working at home, sometimes what you need is to shake your space up and make it feel fresh. Check out these ideas for how to do that with Bess McAllister.

Writing Workshop: How To Tell When You Need That Boost

Joining a writing workshop or class is a good way to give you that boost of creativity or motivation you might be lacking right now. But before you jump in or sign up for one, find out if it’s the kind of boost you need. 

Six Ways to Write Through the Lazy Summer Days

Summer isn’t over yet, there are still a few glorious weeks left before the crisp Autumn air sets in and the vibes shift. So here are some ideas of how you can enjoy these last few weeks and finish the summer strong.

Alright word nerds, now that your creative juices are flowing and your motivation has been renewed, it’s time to get back out there and write. We’ve still got half a year to make our writing dreams realities! I’d love to hear what helps revitalize you and motivates you to write! Feel free to share in the comments below or on our social media posts!

Olivia Fisher

Olivia Fisher is a writer and editor who loves to read and write middle grade fiction. When she isn’t imagining living in a treehouse or chasing down her two young boys, she enjoys curling up with a book, writing her next epic adventure, or fighting off the ghosts of the Bermuda Triangle while hauling up the untold treasures and hidden histories of the civilizations deep within its secretive waters. While only some of that is true, she does love animals, babies, and trying to live in the state of child-like wonder that we all secretly, or not so secretly, miss. Follow along with her adventures on Twitter or hire her for your next writing escapade on Fiverr

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