Setting the Mood for an Optimal Writing Session

When it comes to getting in the “zone” for writing, sometimes it’s easy and sometimes it’s really hard. There are days when I’m just not “in the mood” and I can’t sit around waiting for inspiration to strike. Instead, I’ve learned a few tricks to help me set the mood even when if feels like… Read more »

Let’s Start at the Beginning

The first step to creating your DIY MFA is to take stock of where you are right now.  Some of you might be just starting out on your writing journey, while others may have been writing for years.  Either way is fine.  While some of you might have plenty of time to devote to this project, others… Read more »

How Does DIY MFA Simulate the MFA Experience?

DIY MFA is all about giving writers the tools and techniques to take their writing education into their own hands.  This means each writer has the freedom to construct a learning plan that caters specifically to his or her needs and goals.  There is a method to the madness, though, even with all this freedom…. Read more »

What is DIY MFA? (and other FAQs)

Today, I wanted to give you a short introduction to the program and answer some frequently asked questions, or FAQs, including the biggie: What is DIY MFA all about? Those who are familiar with the DIY MFA program probably already know the answers to most of these questions but for those who are new to… Read more »

Welcome to DIY MFA

Are you looking for an alternative to the traditional Master’s Degree in Creative Writing?  Fear not.  There is another way.  It’s called DIY MFA. You are dedicated to your writing, but you also have a full and busy life.  You would like to go to graduate school, but the cost or the many responsibilities in… Read more »