Search Results for: developing themes in your stories

#5OnFri: Five Fabulous Picture Books in honor of #PiBoIdMo!

…Diversity matters. Readers of all kinds of backgrounds need to see themselves reflected in books. Multicultural stories with modern, realistic protagonists from cultures less frequently represented in literature are very…

Writing Across Genres: Q&A With Kat Martin

…up with nine stories way back then. So maybe just start smaller and expand as the stories progress. 6) How do you bridge both romance and suspense in your novels?…

SCBWI Conference 101

If you’ve read DIY MFA or have been following this website for a while, you know how important community is for writers. You need to find readers for your stories,…

#5OnFri: Resolutions from the DIY MFA Team

…submit my work to literary journals and magazines. I often write flash fiction and short stories, and only post them on my blog. The quest for publication can only be…

Six Ways to Write Through the Lazy Summer Days

…up stories. I spend hours on the subway every day, but consider it writing time because I plug in my headphones, get my book playlist going, and think through my…

Overcoming the Preciousness of Your Prose

When I first started seriously pursuing writing, I struggled, like many new beginners, with the preciousness of my prose. My early stories were bad. And, I knew it. After a…

#5onFri: Five Tips for Narrowing Your Focus

…without reviewing what comes out. Just write. What could you write about? What stories do you have to tell? What incidents have you endured? What obstacles have you overcome? What…